Tuesday, November 27, 2007

global internet government by charles webster baer

hello . my name is charles webster baer . I live in bend , oregon , usa . today is november , 27th , 2007 . I want to talk about gig . gig is global internet government . gig is my idea for a web site . I got this idea in the spring of 2000 .

gig will monitor all the financial transactions of all the governments on earth . this is called media speculation . it is also known as freedom of speech . gig will do this with chat rooms . gig will have a chat room for every city on earth . a city , according to gig , has more than ten thousand people living there . each chat room will have one level for every ten thousand people . gig members can post anything they want . the chat room is unmoderated . no post can be altered , deleted , censored , banned , edited , etc . not even by the person who made the post . posts that gig moderaters feel are rellevant or accurate will be re posted on higher levels in the chat room . the cream will rise to the top . gig will bring total freedom of speech to everyone on line . anyone with an e mail can be a gig member . each gig member will get a 12 digit gig number and each ip address will get a 9 digit gig number . these numbers will be posted on every members post . no government will be allowed to access this information under any circumstances . gig will forcast its prediction for every government , every year , for the following year , every december 31st . this prediction will include the total amount of cash the government will recieve , taxes , aid , etc . and the total amount of cash the government will spend for the next year . late predictions will be invalid .

the gig that has the most accurrate predictions will be the highest rated gig . all gigs will be rated by WIMON. WIMON is world internet monitoring organization nation . wimon will judge all gigs on how well they do . the best gig will become the real , official gig . there is no time table for this to happen . laying the foundation for this to occur will be chzl . chzl does not stand for anything . chzl will create and maintain all the economic treaties and alliances . the goal is to unify the world economically , much like europe was unified economically a decade ago . nations that wish to be part of gig must have zero debt for three years in a row and must have less than 2% inflation for three years in a row . I realize this is setting the bar way to high , but this is just a starting point . gig supports and endorses the policy of the united nations and the international monetary fund . an electronic form of gig currency will also be created . america can not take over the earth . gig can . it is not time to remove stupid people from the planet . it is time to remove stupid people from the governments of the planet .

as gig grows and evolves and improves , gig will gain influence . gig will use this influence to push the gig agenda . the gig agenda is only two things . first , freedom of speech on line . every person on earth has the right to speak his mind on line about how his government spends his money . second , womens rights . every female on earth has the right to control her body . every woman has the right to decide for herself if she wishes to be or to stay pregnant . every government on earth must make every form of birth control , including abortion , free and available to every women . this is the gig agenda . freedom of speech and womens rights . any government that does not support the gig agenda is an illegitimate government and will be replaced by gig quickly and peacefully .

the gig agenda is logic and common sense . gig wants humans to survive this millennium . for that to occur we must save the environment . the only way to save the environment is to created a signifigant , immediate and sustained decline in the human population . gig holds these truths to be self evident . if you disagree , gig feels that in the future you may have an opportunity to mentally mature . gig wishes you luck with that .

not to get to carried away , but gig will have its own search , e mail , gigpedia , social network , etc . gig will be run by the people , for the people . gig mods will be e elected . thats not a typo . gig will have e elections for all gig ambassadors and officials . all gig members will be located in the city they choose . they will only be able to post in that cities chat room . they will only be able to post once an hour . they will only be able to vote in the country the city is in . there will be no photo or video . only words . mods can apply at the begining of every month . a mod only is a mod for a month . a mod can reaply to be a mod again after a month off .

gig provides information . that is it . gig is news media taken as far as it can go . gig , like me , is isolationist , pacafist , for less government and less taxes , and does not recognize any religion . gig is the future , hopefully we can get there before its to late . every web site is trying to make money . how many web sites are trying to save the planet . gigs ideals are one planet , one people , one government , one law , one currency , etc . its going to be fun hammering this out and america is up to the task . yes , Im running for president of the usa . please vote for charles webster baer . thank you .

I was born and raised in santa cruz , california in 1969 . I went to high school in newport , rhode island . in 1994 , I graduated from the university of hawaii at hilo , on the big island . in 1995 I moved to santa fe , new mexico .

if you wish to learn more about gig you can google charles webster baer or you can e mail me at 2008gig@gmail.com or you can go to http://gig2008.freeforums.org